
City A.M. Friday 11 November, 2022

Sunak must choose between protectionism or global strength to remake Britain

There is the opportunity for real reform out of global turmoil.

City AM Thursday 27 October, 2022

Number 10 confirms Rishi Sunak will bring back fracking ban

Alexander Temerko backs Government's decision to ban fracking and supports investment in infrastructure projects

Politico Wednesday 12 October, 2022

Putin has crossed the Rubicon

A Russia that retains a seat on the U.N. Security Council would make a mockery of the international principles on which the body is built

Financial Times Thursday 6 October, 2022

UK business leaders urge Tories to focus on the economy

The Government should work with business to move forward with its tax reform and industrial policy

POLITICO Tuesday 30 August, 2022

Peace will only be possible after victory

It’s imperative for the West to prevent the country’s defeat — and we can’t wait any longer.

Kyiv TV Friday 29 July, 2022

Inteview with Kyiv TV

Alexander Temerko provided his view on the latest developments in Britain to the Ukranian viewers

The Telegraph Monday 25 July, 2022

Alexander Temerko supports tax cuts proposed by Liz Truss

We have a short window of opportunity to stimulate our economy.

Ukraine 24 Tuesday 12 July, 2022

Alexander Temerko on the status of the Conservative leadership election

Interview to Ukrainian televelision

Ukraine 24 Monday 4 July, 2022

Interview with Ukraine 24

The Telegraph Tuesday 21 June, 2022

Alexander Temerko wins legal step for channel cable

Aquind can apply for judicial review over blocking of plans for sea electricity link to France

Daily Mail Wednesday 18 May, 2022

Ignorant Putin is leading Russia to destruction

The final battle with the spectre of a past beloved by Putin is now taking place on Ukrainian soil.

Challenges (France) Monday 28 March, 2022

For this Putin's enemy, it was time for Europe to wake up

It is vital that Europe can pool its energy resources

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